Wednesday, March 26, 2014

                                      Summary: "The allegory of the cave"

           "The allegory of the cave" is a parable where Socrates asked Glavcon to imagine a cave inhabited by prisoners who have been imprisoned since childhood. The prisoners are force to face a wall. Behind the prisoners runs a walkway at a certain height, people walk carrying all sorts of things. Behind the walkway is fire which create different shadows. The prisoners get to see only the shadow and hear the noises the people and animals make. One day a prisoner is free. The prisoner gets to see the world out side of the cave and is nothing like he imagined. Amazed with what he saw, he comes back to the cave to tell his friends what he saw, but his friends unable to recognize him, only hear noises and see shadows.       

Monday, March 24, 2014


            The behavior of people changes depending on whether they are in groups or alone. In the article "Individuals in Groups", Carol Tavris talks about  "diffusion of responsibility" or "social loafing". People's reactions facing dangerous situations are different depending on the number of individuals. Tavris mentions two experiments. In the first experiment, a group of students are put in a classroom facing a dangerous scenario. In the second experiment an individual went through the same experiment.
The group of individuals took longer to take themselves out of harm's way. Their reaction took longer because each individual in the group though that someone in the group was taking take of it. On the other hand the individual alone in the experiment had a faster reaction, almost immediately. I think individuals in groups would react faster, but reading the article and looking into my personal experience people in groups tend to just think some else in the group is taking care of the situation they are facing.  



Wednesday, March 12, 2014


             The article "I know the truth, so don't bother me with the facts" by Jeffrey Kluger,  says that " humans have been dupes, easily deceived by rumors and flat out lies". The article also mention a study by R. Kelly Garrett and Erik Nisbet from  the Ohio state University, where 750 people were presented with facts of rumors believes about the proposed Islamic cultural center. Fewer than a third of the people were willing to reverse their positions, regardless of the contradictory evidence they were given. Garret and Nisbet conclude that is easy to manipulate people's belief systems with insinuating pictures or inflammatory quotes. I think people believed rumors are truth because in most cases these people are not well educated.

          It's easy to believe strangers when we think they are smarter then we are. In the article by Kluger, It's says "It's easy to manipulate people's belief systems with insinuating pictures or inflammatory quotes". I  lived with my grandparents in Mexico for a long time. Politics was a subject we did not talk that much at home. my grandparents did not how  to read and write. When it was time for government elections my grandparents always would vote for the same party. One day i asked them why they always vote for the same party, they told me because the loge of the party was the flag of Mexico, our country, so they must love our country and the people. Their only reason was the flag used as logo. The flag for my grandparents represented that this party would do the best for them. When in reality they did not know what was happening in the country because they did not read the news and understand all the political terms used by the candidates. Lack of education was a major factor for my grandparents to choose their best candidate for their country.

          After 9/11 terrorist attack in US, anyone wearing a turban became a terrorist for some Americans. Like two years ago in Wisconsin a person went inside a Sikh temple shooting and killing anyone because the shooter though they were Arab terrorist. In the article Garret and Nistbet said "it is easy to manipulate people's belief systems with insinuating pictures". When the news would come up on TV and they would talk about terrorism, the image of a man wearing a turban will come up. I believe this image made some people believe that only terrorists wear turban, but that is no the case. In India the Sikh wear turban and that is a Asian nation and no all Muslims are terrorist,. I believe that shooter from Wisconsin did not educated himself about turban or terrorist at all. His ignorance made him do a horrible tragedy and cost the lives of many people.  

         I believe education is the key to the success and the harmony among people. Education specially at early age opens our mind to a more much wide world and makes think before do something.

         In conclusion most people are easy to influence by using images or quotes, ether to make decision that would change the future of a country or to ruin the lives of others.  Differences base on misbelieves and rumor would put at side by education. Knowledge is the key to a better world.


                                                                Subjective Summary                

                  The article "I know the truth, so don't bother me with the facts" by Jeffrey Kluger,  says that " humans have been dupes, easily deceived by rumors and flat out lies". The article also mention a study by R. Kelly Garrett and Erik Nisbet from  the Ohio state University, where 750 people were presented with facts of rumors believes about the proposed Islamic cultural center. Fewer than a third of the people were willing to reverse their positions, regardless of the contradictory evidence they were given. Garret and Nisbet conclude that is easy to manipulate people's belief systems with insinuating pictures or inflammatory quotes.


Monday, March 10, 2014

                                             Advertisements:  making and saving money

                         The article "Hype" by Kalle Lasn talks bout the toxic mental pollution of advertisements. The article mentions from the moment your alarm sounds in the morning to the wee hours of the late night TV. every day an estimate 12 billion display ads are dump in to North America's collective unconscious. the article also says, we can find advertisements anywhere we rest our eyes, gas stations, banks machines, buses, billboards, stadiums, basically there is nowhere to run. I believe advertisements are for people to find out ways to safe money and time also advertisements create many jobs which helps the economic of the country.

                        In American where most parents have two jobs. One at home, taking care of their kids in their everyday lives. The other in their career job. In a country where money is important as much as time is, advertisements helps make parents lives easier. Every week out side of my door supermarkets leaves flyers of their specials and sells of the week. These flyers are a great help because I don't have to go to the supermarkets to compare prince neither to wasted my time. In the article "Hype" Lasn says that " A company called VideoCarte installs interactive screens  on supermarkets carts so that you can see ads while you shop". I believe this is a great idea and I am sure this tool will be a great help for families.

                      Advertising a product is never easy neither cheap. I n the article "Hype' Lasn says that "every day an estimate 12 billion display ads, 3 millions radio commercial are introduce in North America" and I believe new idea are always welcome like that VideoCarte in supermarkets which target more people. In America every year the NFL announce the name of the city that is going to host the Super Bow. The city with the honors to have the Super Bowl gets prepare no just to welcome fans that come to watch the game but also for companies that want to advertise their products. The Super Bowl is one of the events that brings more people together like no other one, so companies put advertises all over the city creating jobs of all kind which means money for the city.

                    In conclusion I believe everyone benefits from advertisements. Families looking for better deals to save money and time, and companies created jobs by advertising their products